Self signed certificates are used by developers to validate the https configuration and testing. Below given are the steps to configure and test self signed certificate
- Navigate to the JRE/bin path and execute the keytool.exe to verify if that is installed properly
- Create the directory csr – mkdir csr
- Execute the keytool command to generate the identity.jks
keytool -genkey -alias testCert -keyalg RSA -keypass privatepassword -keystore identity.jks -storepass password -validity 365
- Enter the information asked for Organization, State, City and Country
- export the certificate from identity keystore into root.cer
keytool -export -alias testCert -file root.cer -keystore identity.jks -storepass password
- export the certificate from identity keystore
keytool -import -alias mykey -file root.cer -keystore trust.jks -storepass password
- Enter the password- password (mentioned above)

- Log into the Web Logic Server
- Click on Server -> Admin Server
- Click on Key Store tab
- Click on the CHANGE button to modify the key store settings
- Select the custom Identity and Custom Trust from the available option for the key stores

- Copy the generated Identity.jks and keystore.jsk files on the server path so that they can be selected as given below.
- Modify the port for SSL in the General tab with 4443 (default)

- Click on Save and activate the changes