How to Create Implementation Project in Oracle Fusion

The blog provides the basic steps for creating the implementation project in Oracle Fusion. 

Read the below given blog before you proceed with the Implementation Project creation in Oracle Fusion Application

Roles required for creating the Implementation Project in Oracle Fusion

  • Application Implementation Consultant 
  • Application Implementation Administrator 
  • Application Implementation Manager

Steps required to Create Implementation Project in Oracle Fusion

The below given steps are to be performed while creating Implementation Project in Oracle Fusion

  • Configure Offerings
  • Create Implementation Project
  • Select Offerings
  • Save Implementation Project
  • Perform Tasks

Configure Offerings in Oracle Fusion

Offerings in Oracle Cloud / Fusion Applications are the Functional Modules provided to implement the business specific needs . For Example Inventory, Order Management , Procurement, Financials, etc.

Create Implementation Project in Oracle Fusion

Please note that the user who has to Create and Manage Implementation Project should have the Privilege for ASM_MANAGE_IMPLEMENTATION_PROJECT_PRIV

The below steps need to be performed 

  1. Click Navigator > Setup and Maintenance
  2. Select Manage Implementation Projects from the task panel
  3. Select Actions -> Create 
  4. Enter Name for the Implementation Project
  5. Enter Description (Optional)  for the Implementation Project
  6. Assign Implementation Project to the user (optional) 
  7. Assign a Start Date ( Optional) 
  8. Click Next and Select the Offerings

Roles required for Offerings

Please note that the user who has to Create and Manage Offerings should have the Privilege for ASM_CONFIGURE_OFFERING_PRIV

To Review the Offerings, user should have the Privilege for ASM_REVIEW_APPLICATIONS_OFFERINGS_PRIV

Click Navigator -> My Enterprise -> Offerings

  • Select Offering ( For Example – Financials, HRM, Order Management. General Ledger) from the Configuration List
  • Click Opt In Features button
  • The Opt In Page display the list of Parent Offerings as well as the Functional Hierarchy for the Parent offering
  • Click Features to enable the Features at the Offerings Level
  • Click on Save to save the changes for the Offerings

The below given is an example for adding Financials as the Offering.

Offering Enable Features
Supplier Invoice Processing                      
Fixed Assets                      
Customer Invoice Processing                        
Revenue Management                        
Budget Control and
Encumbrance Accounting

To add multiple Offering, Perform the same steps by selecting the required Offerings from the Configurations and select check box  ‘Enable’