select mysql database records in node.js

The tutorial provides the node.js integration with MySQL to fetch / retrieve records from the mysql database using the node.js program. The tutorial provides the steps on how to select record from mysql table using node.js application.

Node.js Select Record from MySQL Table

The MySQL uses ‘SELECT * FROM’ statement for selecting records into mysql table. Ensure that you have the mysql table with records before proceeding with the record selection process. The WHERE Clause and Order by clause can also be used in the SQL Query which is given as an example below.

var mysql = require('mysql');  
var con = mysql.createConnection({  
  host: "localhost",  
  user: "root",  
  password: ""  ,
  database: "oracleappshelpDB"
con.connect(function(err) {
  if (err) throw err;
  con.query("SELECT * FROM oracleappshelpusers order by firstName",  function (err, result) {
    if (err) throw err;
var mysql = require('mysql');  
var con = mysql.createConnection({  
  host: "localhost",  
  user: "root",  
  password: ""  ,
  database: "oracleappshelpDB"
con.connect(function(err) {
  if (err) throw err;
  con.query("SELECT * FROM oracleappshelpusers where firstName ='Mohit'",  function (err, result) {
    if (err) throw err;
var mysql = require('mysql');  
var con = mysql.createConnection({  
  host: "localhost",  
  user: "root",  
  password: ""  ,
  database: "oracleappshelpDB"
con.connect(function(err) {
  if (err) throw err;
  con.query("SELECT * FROM oracleappshelpusers order by firstName",  function (err, result) {
    if (err) throw err;

how to delete mysql database records in node.js

The tutorial provides the node.js integration with MySQL to delete record from the mysql table. The tutorial provides the steps on how to delete record from mysql database table using node.js application .

Delete Record from MySQL Table using node.js

The MySQL uses ‘DELETE FROM’ statement for deleting records into mysql table. Ensure that you have the mysql table with ecords before proceeding with the record deletion process.

var mysql = require('mysql');  
var con = mysql.createConnection({  
  host: "localhost",  
  user: "root",  
  password: ""  ,
  database: "oracleappshelpDB"
con.connect(function(err) {
  if (err) throw err;
  con.query("DELETE FROM oracleappshelpusers WHERE firstName = 'Amit'",  function (err, result) {
    if (err) throw err;

Execute the SELECT SQL node.js program and it will show the remaining records now.

Node.js Tutorial: how to update mysql database records in node.js

The tutorial provides the node.js integration with MySQL to insert records into the mysql database. The tutorial provides the steps on how to insert new record into mysql table using node.js application .

Update Record into MySQL Table using node.js

The MySQL uses ‘UPDATE ‘ statement for updating records into mysql table. Ensure that you have the mysql table with records before proceeding with the table record updation process.

var mysql = require('mysql');  
var con = mysql.createConnection({  
  host: "localhost",  
  user: "root",  
  password: ""  ,
  database: "oracleappshelpDB"
con.connect(function(err) {  
if (err) throw err;  
var sql = "UPDATE oracleappshelpusers SET firstName = 'Mihika' WHERE firstName = 'Mohit'";  
con.query(sql, function (err, result) {  
if (err) throw err;  
console.log(result.affectedRows + " record(s) updated");  

how to insert mysql database records in node.js

The tutorial provides the node.js integration with MySQL to insert records into the mysql database. The tutorial provides the steps on how to insert new record into mysql table using node.js application .

Insert Record into MySQL Table using node.js

The MySQL uses ‘INSERT INTO ‘ statement for inserting records into mysql table. Ensure that you have the mysql table created before proceeding with the table record insertion process.

var mysql = require('mysql');  
var con = mysql.createConnection({  
  host: "localhost",  
  user: "root",  
  password: ""  ,
  database: "oracleappshelpDB"
con.connect(function(err) {
  if (err) throw err;
  console.log("MySQL Database oracleappshelpDB is Connected successfully!");
  var sql = "INSERT INTO oracleappshelpusers (firstName, lastName,address) VALUES ('Mohit', 'Sharma', 'Sydeny 2000')";
  con.query(sql, function (err, result) {
    if (err) throw err;
    console.log(" Record isnerted inot the table oracleappshelpUsers successfully...");

how to drop mysql database table in node.js

The tutorial provides the node.js integration to drop the mysql database tables. The tutorial provides the steps on how to drop tables in mysql database using node.js application .

Drop MySQL Table using node.js

The MySQL uses ‘DROP TABLE’ statement for dropping the tables in mySQL database. Ensure that you have the mysql table created for which drop table command is to be executed using the node.js application.

var mysql = require('mysql');  
var con = mysql.createConnection({  
  host: "localhost",  
  user: "root",  
  password: ""  ,
  database: "oracleappshelpDB"
con.connect(function(err) {
  if (err) throw err;
  console.log("MySQL Database oracleappshelpDB is Connected successfully!");
  var sql = "DROP TABLE oracleappshelpUsers";
  con.query(sql, function (err, result) {
    if (err) throw err;
    console.log("Table oracleappshelpUsers is Dropped successfully from  the Database - oracleappshelpDB");

how to create mysql database table in node.js

The tutorial provides the node.js integration to create the mysql Database Tables. The tutorial provides the steps on how to create tables in mysql database using node.js application .

Create Table into mysql using node.js

The MySQL uses ‘CREATE TABLE’ statement for creating tables in mySQL. Ensure that you have the mysql database created before proceeding with the table creation process.

var mysql = require('mysql');  
var con = mysql.createConnection({  
  host: "localhost",  
  user: "root",  
  password: ""  ,
  database: "oracleappshelpDB"
con.connect(function(err) {
  if (err) throw err;
  console.log("MySQL Database oracleappshelpDB is Connected successfully!");
  var sql = "CREATE TABLE oracleappshelpUsers (firstName VARCHAR(255), lastName VARCHAR(255), address VARCHAR(255))";
  con.query(sql, function (err, result) {
    if (err) throw err;
    console.log("Table oracleappshelpUsers is created successfully in the Database - oracleappshelpDB");

Mysql create Primary Key

Lets modify the node.js program to include the Primary Key creation and SELECT Statement also for the table -oracleappshelpUsers.

var mysql = require('mysql');  
var con = mysql.createConnection({  
  host: "localhost",  
  user: "root",  
  password: ""  ,
  database: "oracleappshelpDB"
con.connect(function(err) {
  if (err) throw err;
  console.log("MySQL Database oracleappshelpDB is Connected successfully!");
  var sql = "CREATE TABLE oracleappshelpUsers (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, firstName VARCHAR(255), lastName VARCHAR(255), address VARCHAR(255))";
  con.query(sql, function (err, result) {
    if (err) throw err;
    console.log("Table oracleappshelpUsers is created successfully in the Database - oracleappshelpDB");
var sql2 = "SELECT * FROM `oracleappshelpusers` ";
  con.query(sql2, function (err, result) {
    if (err) throw err;
    console.log(" SELECT Statement on the table oracleappshelpUsers is executed successfully");

Create MySQL Database with nodejs

The tutorial provides the node.js integration with MySQL Database operations. The tutorial provides the steps to create the MySQL Database using node.js application

Node.js MySQL Create Database

MySQL uses CREATE DATABASE statement . Let’s see the below node.js program on creating the database in MySQL Database. Save the below program as nodejs-mysql-create-db.js

var mysql = require('mysql');  
var con = mysql.createConnection({  
  host: "localhost",  
  user: "root",  
  password: ""  
con.connect(function(err) {
  if (err) throw err;
  console.log("MySQL Database Server is Connected successfully!");
  con.query("CREATE DATABASE oracleappshelpDB", function (err, result) {
    if (err) throw err;
    console.log("Database oracleappshelpDB is created successfully");
C:\Users\user\Desktop>node node.js-mysql-create-db.js
MySQL Database Server is connected successfully!
Database oracleappshelpDB is created successfully

Create mysql connection with nodejs

The tutorial provides the node.js integration with MySQL Database. The node.js requires the ‘mysql’ module to be installed using the below npm command

Installing mysql module using node.js npm

npm install mysql

node.js mysql installation using npm

Installing MySQL

The MySQL can be downloaded as the GPL License version from the below given site

Node.js program for creating MySQL connection

As we have mySQL installed on the computer and have the required ‘mysql’ module installed in the node server, let’s see the simple node.js program to connect the mySQL Database Server

var mysql = require('mysql');  
var con = mysql.createConnection({  
  host: "localhost",  
  user: "root",  
  password: ""  
con.connect(function(err) {  
  if (err) throw err;  
  console.log("MySQL Database Server is connected successfully!");  
C:\Users\user\Desktop>node nodejs-mysql-db.js
MySQL Database Server is connected successfully!

punnycode module methods in node.js

The tutorial provides the details on the node.js punnycode module. The node.js punnycode module provides the character encoding scheme as per the guidelines defined by RFC 3492 . The puunycode module converts the unicode string (UTF8) to ASCII string of characters for use in Internationalized Domain Names (IDN). The need of conversion is required as most browsers support ASCII string of characters whereas IDN names are non-ASCII and thus required conversion.

The Internationalized Domain Name, ‘δΎ‹.com’ (equivalent to ‘’) is represented by Punycode as the ASCII string ‘’. The node.js string decoder module can be accessed using the command

const punycode = require('punycode');

Node.js puunycode methods in node.js

The below given are the available methods in punnycode API

punnycode method namepunnycode method description
punycode.decode(string)converts string of ASCII symbols to string of Unicode symbol
punycode.encode(string) converts string of Unicode symbol to string of ASCII symbols
punycode.toASCII(domain) convert a Unicode string of the domain name to Punnycode string of ASCII symbols
punycode.toUnicode(domain) convert string of ASCII symbols of the domain name to Unicode String symbols ( non-ASCII)

String Decoder module methods in node.js

The tutorial provides the details on the node.js string decoder module. The node.js string decoder module provides the API for decoding the buffer objects into the string with the support for multi-byte UTF-8 and UTF-16 characters. The String Decoder instance is validated that decoded string should not contain incomplete multi byte characters when the buffer instance is defined /written as the String Decoder instance, The node.js string decoder module can be accessed using the command

const { StringDecoder } = require('string_decoder');

Node.js String Decode Methods

The below given are the available methods in the string decoder API

String Decoder MethodString Decoder Method Description
new StringDecoder([encoding])uses the encoding UTF-8 for the decoded string
encoding – <string>
stringDecoder.end([buffer])The buffer ( buffer or typedArray orDataView) decoded string checks for the incomplete UTF-8 and UTF-16 characters to be replaced with substitution characters for the character encoding
buffer – <buffer> – contains byte to decode
return -<string>
stringDecoder.write(buffer)The buffer ( buffer or typedArray orDataView) decoded string checks for the incomplete UTF-8 and UTF-16 characters to be omitted for the character encoding
buffer – <buffer> – contains byte to decode
return -<string>

Node.js String Decoder Example

const { StringDecoder } = require('string_decoder');
const decoder = new StringDecoder('utf8');
const cent = Buffer.from([0xC2, 0xA2]);
const euro = Buffer.from([0xE2, 0x82, 0xAC]);

How to query string parameters and string methods in node.js

The tutorial provides the details on the node.js query string usage. The node.js query string provides different methods for the string manipulation. The node.js Query String allows to convert the string to JSON Object and JSON Object and be converted to Query String . The node.js Query String can be accessed using the command

const querystring = require('querystring');

Node.js Query String Methods

The below given are the available methods using Query String in node.js

Query String Method NameQuery String Method Description
querystring.decode()alias function for querystring.parse()
querystring.encode() alias function for querystring.stringify()
querystring.escape(str)performs URL percent-encoding on the given string to proivde optimized URL query strings
str – <string>
querystring.unescape(str) performs decoding of URL percent-encoded characters on the given
str- <string>
querystring.parse(str[, sep][, eq][, options]) parses a URL query string (str) into a collection of key and value pairs
str – <string> – URL query string
sep -<string> – substring used to delimit key and value pairs in the query string. Default: ‘&’.
eq – <string> – substring used to delimit keys and values in the query string. Default: ‘=’.
options – <object> where
decodeURIComponent – performs decoding percent-encoded characters in the query string. Default: querystring.unescape().
maxKeys – indicates maximum number of keys to parse. Specify 0 to remove key counting limitations. Default: 1000
querystring.stringify(obj[, sep][, eq][, options]) provides URL query string from the object by iterating the object’s properties
obj – – serialized URL query string
sep – – substring used to delimit key and value pairs in the query string. Default: ‘&’.
eq – – substring used to delimit keys and values in the query string. Default: ‘=’.
options – where
encodeURIComponent – performs when converting URL-unsafe characters to percent-encoding in the query string. Default: querystring.escape()
querystring = require('querystring');  
const queryObject=querystring.parse('name=mohitsharma&');  
C:\Users\user\Desktop >node querystring.js
[Object: null prototype ]{
name: "mohitsharma",
company: ''

path module methods in node.js

The tutorial provides the details on the node.js path module. The node.js path module provides the utilization for working with the file path and directory path. The node.js path module can be accessed using the command

const path = require('path');

There will be path variation when node.js is running on different operating system. To achieve same path execution output path.win32 should be used.

Node.js Path methods

Path MethodPath Method Description
path.basename(path[, ext])execution behaviour is similar to unix base command where it returns the last portion of the path
path – <string>
ext – <string> file extension (optional)
returns – <string>
// Returns: ‘pathbasename.html’
path.delimiteruses the type as <string> and provides different path specific delimiter
; for windows
: for POSIX
// Returns: ‘/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin’
// Returns: ‘C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Program Files\node\’
path.dirname(path) execution behaviour is similar to unix base command where it returns the directory name of the path
path – <string>
returns – <string>
// Returns: ‘/tmp/nodejs/path’
path.extname(path) execution behaviour is similar to unix base command where it returns the extension of the path
path – <string>
returns – <string>
// Returns: ‘.html’
path.isabsolute(path) indicates if path is an absolute path.
path – <string>
return – boolean
path.isAbsolute(‘//nodeServer’); // true
path.isAbsolute(‘node/path’); // false
path.isAbsolute(‘.’); // false
path.relative(from, to) solves the relative path from “from” to “to”
from <string>
to <string>
return <string>
path.relative(‘/data/node/path/relative’, ‘/data/node/tmp/absolute’);
// Returns: ‘../../tmp/absolute’
path.join([path1][, path2][, …]) join all path segments using delimiter and returns the normalized resulting path
path – <string> –sequence of path segments
returns – <string> — normalized resulting path
path.join(‘/tmp’, ‘node’, ‘path/sample’, ‘..’);
// Returns: ‘/tmp/node/path/sample’

normalize a string path, taking care of ‘..’ and ‘.’ parts
path – <string>
returns – <string>
// Returns: ‘C:\tmp\node\’
path.parse(pathstring) returns the object from the path string
path – <string>
returns – <string> where return object could have
dir <string>
root <string>
base <string>
name <string>
ext <string>
On Windows:
// Returns:
// { root: ‘C:\’,
// dir: ‘C:\temp\node’,
// base: ‘pathParsing.txt’,
// ext: ‘.txt’,
// name: ‘file’ }
path.format(pathObject)returns the path string from the object where pathObject could have
dir <string>
root <string>
base <string>
name <string>
ext <string>
pathObject.root is ignored if pathObject.dir is provided
pathObject.ext and are ignored if pathObject.base exists
On Windows:
dir: ‘C:\node\pathdir’,
base: ‘pathexample.txt’
// Returns: ‘C:\node\pathdir\pathexample.txt’