How to create legal entity registration in Oracle Fusion

The Legal Entity Registration is one of the task in the Legal Structure of the Financials configuration in Oracle Fusion. The Legal Entity Registration in Oracle Fusion is created by default with the same name as the Legal Entity. 

Verify the Legal Entity Registration in Oracle Fusion 

Perform the below steps to verify the Legal Entity Registration in Oracle Fusion

  1. Navigator -> Setup and Maintenance
  2. Select Manage Legal Entity Registration
  3. Verify the scope for the Legal Entity

Create the Legal Entity Registration in Oracle Fusion 

Perform the below steps to create the Legal Entity Registration in Oracle Fusion

  1. Navigator -> Setup and Maintenance
  2. Select Manage Legal Entity Registration
  3. Select Task
  4. Select Create
  5. Enter the Jurisdiction details
  6. Enter the Registered Addresses
  7. Enter the Registered Name
  8. Enter the Alternate Name (optional)
  9. Enter the Registration Number (optional)
  10. Enter the Place of Registration (optional)
  11. Enter the Issuing Legal Authority (optional)
  12. Enter the Issuing Legal Authority Address (optional)
  13. Enter the Start Date (optional)
  14. Enter the End Date (optional)
  15. Click on Save and Close

Query to get organization structure details in Oracle Fusion General Ledger

The Oracle Fusion Application allows to create the Legal Entity, Business Unit to define the association and the balancing segments for the legal entity as per the enterprise structure of the organization

The blog provides the SQL Query to retrieve the Organization Structure details in Oracle Fusion with the association of legal entities, business unit , legal entity registration and general ledger mapping for the defined organization structure

Query to get organization structure details in Oracle Fusion General Ledger


Assign Legal Entities and Balancing segments in Oracle Fusion

In Oracle Fusion application , once the Legal Entity is created , it has to be assigned and balancing segments are to be mapped to get them recorded as per the defined Enterprise Structure in the General Ledger 

The blog provides the steps to perform the below actions

  • How to Assign Legal Entities in Oracle Fusion
  • How to Assign Balancing Segment Values to Legal Entities in Oracle Fusion

How to Assign Legal Entities ?

Before we proceed with the assignment of Legal Entities , please read the blog

How to Create Legal Entity in Oracle Fusion

Follow the below given steps

  1. Go to Configurations
  2. Select Financials -> General Ledger
  3. Select Assign Legal Entities
Oracle Fusion General Ledger Task

4. On the Add Legal Entities Page, search the Legal Entity created

Oracle Fusion Add Legal Entities

5. Search for Legal Entity – OAH Pvt Ltd

6. Select the Legal Entity

Legal EntityLegal Entity IdentifierCountry
OAH Pvt LtdOAH_PVT_LTDUnited States

7. Click Apply button

The Legal Entity will be shown on the Add Legal Entity Page but there is No balancing Segment (Company Value) defined for it.

Legal EntityLegal Entity IdentifierCountryCompany Values
OAH Pvt LtdOAH_PVT_LTDUnited States <No Value>

How to Assign Balancing Segment to Legal Entities ?

Follow the below given steps

  1. Go to Configurations
  2. Select Financials -> General Ledger
  3. Select Assign Balancing Segment Values to Legal Entities
  4. Select the Legal Entity OAH Pvt Ltd with No balancing segment defined
  5. click on + icon to map the balancing segment

Assign Company Values

  • *Legal Entity OAH Pvt Ltd
  • *Company Value <Select the value from the dropdown based on the Enterprise Structure created for the country United States>
  • Enter the Description
  • Enter the Start Date
  • Enter the End Date <keep blank>
  • Click Save and Close

Create Legal Entity in Oracle Fusion

Any organization using the Oracle Fusion Application has to setup the Legal Entity as part of the Enterprise Structure. The blog provides the steps to Create Legal Entity in Oracle Fusion Application

What is a Legal Entity ?

A legal entity is a recognized party with rights and responsibilities given by legislation. For example

  • right to own property
  • right to repay debt
  • right to trade
  • account themselves to regulators, taxation authorities

A legal entity is responsible for :

  • facilitating local compliance
  • minimizing enterprise tax liability
  • isolating the business risk by creating separate business area based on legal entities

In the Configured Enterprise Structure for the Oracle Fusion Application , the contracting party for any transactions is always the legal entity. Lets consider that your enterprise deals from USA and maintains transactions for all states in USA. Thus , each state can be considered as a separate legal entity to record transactions.

Legal Structure in Oracle Fusion Application

The Oracle Fusion Application provides the below given tasks to be created as part of Legal structure in the Financials configuration

  • Manage Legal Addresses
  • Manage Legal Entity 
  • Manage Legal Entity Registration
  • Manage Legal Reporting Unit
  • Manage Legal Reporting Unit Registration

Oracle Cloud Manage Legal Addresses

What all should be considered while creating legal entities ?

Legal Entities can be created based on the transactions performed. For example , Create a Supplier Legal Entity if you purchase goods from Supplier , Create a Customer Legal Entity if you sell goods to customers.

In case of Oracle Fusion HCM Applications, create a Employer Legal Entity

The below given are the common consideration when creating legal entities

  • Legal Entity for recording transactions
  • Legal Entity mapping with Business Units
  • Legal Entity relationship to Divisions
  • Legal Entity relationship to Ledgers
  • Legal Entity relationship to Balancing Segments
  • Legal Entity relationship to Intercompany Transactions
  • Legal Entity relationship to Worker Assignments
  • Legal Entity relationship to Legal Employer
  • Legal Entity relationship to Payroll

Steps to Create Legal Entity

Perform the below steps to create legal entity in Oracle Fusion Application

  1. Select Navigator -> Setup and Maintenance
  2. Select Configuration Setup as ‘Financials’
  3. Select Legal Structure
  4. Click on Manage Legal Addresses

5. In the Manage Legal Address Page, Click on + icon to search the country as ‘ United States’

Legal Addresses select country

Enter Address Line 1: OAH Pvt Ltd

Enter Address Line 2: Brookside Ct

Enter City: Columbus

Enter State : Indiana

Enter Postal Code: 47201

6. Click OK

The Country has been added as the Legal Address

7. Click on Save and Close

8. Search for ‘Manage Legal Entity’ Task

Oracle Fusion Legal Structure Listing

* Country Untied States

Payroll Statutory Unit (checkbox)

*Name OAH Pvt Ltd

Legal Employer (checkbox)

*Legal Entity Identifier OAH_PVT_LTD

Start Date 9/01/21

End Date

Registration Information

Identifying Jurisdiction US Company Law

* Permanent Account Number MOH12345

Legal Address OAH Pvt Ltd Columbus, Indiana

* Legal Reporting Unit Reg. Number SHAR9876

Place of Registration Indianapolis

Click Save and Close

The Legal Entity is created successfully.

How to set the scope for the Legal Entity ?

Perform the below given steps to set the scope for the created legal entity

  • Select Navigator > Setup and Maintenance
  • Select Define Legal Entries > Manage Legal Entity
  • Select to set scope
  • Select the Manage Legal Entity
  • Select -> Add
  • Click Apply and Go to Task.
  • Select the created Legal Entity
  • Click Save and Close

The scope for the task list is defined to the selected legal entity
Save and Close

How to Create Implementation Project in Oracle Fusion

The blog provides the basic steps for creating the implementation project in Oracle Fusion. 

Read the below given blog before you proceed with the Implementation Project creation in Oracle Fusion Application

Roles required for creating the Implementation Project in Oracle Fusion

  • Application Implementation Consultant 
  • Application Implementation Administrator 
  • Application Implementation Manager

Steps required to Create Implementation Project in Oracle Fusion

The below given steps are to be performed while creating Implementation Project in Oracle Fusion

  • Configure Offerings
  • Create Implementation Project
  • Select Offerings
  • Save Implementation Project
  • Perform Tasks

Configure Offerings in Oracle Fusion

Offerings in Oracle Cloud / Fusion Applications are the Functional Modules provided to implement the business specific needs . For Example Inventory, Order Management , Procurement, Financials, etc.

Create Implementation Project in Oracle Fusion

Please note that the user who has to Create and Manage Implementation Project should have the Privilege for ASM_MANAGE_IMPLEMENTATION_PROJECT_PRIV

The below steps need to be performed 

  1. Click Navigator > Setup and Maintenance
  2. Select Manage Implementation Projects from the task panel
  3. Select Actions -> Create 
  4. Enter Name for the Implementation Project
  5. Enter Description (Optional)  for the Implementation Project
  6. Assign Implementation Project to the user (optional) 
  7. Assign a Start Date ( Optional) 
  8. Click Next and Select the Offerings

Roles required for Offerings

Please note that the user who has to Create and Manage Offerings should have the Privilege for ASM_CONFIGURE_OFFERING_PRIV

To Review the Offerings, user should have the Privilege for ASM_REVIEW_APPLICATIONS_OFFERINGS_PRIV

Click Navigator -> My Enterprise -> Offerings

  • Select Offering ( For Example – Financials, HRM, Order Management. General Ledger) from the Configuration List
  • Click Opt In Features button
  • The Opt In Page display the list of Parent Offerings as well as the Functional Hierarchy for the Parent offering
  • Click Features to enable the Features at the Offerings Level
  • Click on Save to save the changes for the Offerings

The below given is an example for adding Financials as the Offering.

Offering Enable Features
Supplier Invoice Processing                      
Fixed Assets                      
Customer Invoice Processing                        
Revenue Management                        
Budget Control and
Encumbrance Accounting

To add multiple Offering, Perform the same steps by selecting the required Offerings from the Configurations and select check box  ‘Enable’








Purchase Requisition BPM Approval Workflow Tables in Oracle Fusion

The Oracle Fusion allows to approve the Purchase Requisition. The Purchase Requisition is integrated using BPM Approval Workflow in Oracle Fusion. 

The blog provides the BPM Approval Workflow table details used in Oracle Fusion

Purchase Requisition BPM Approval Workflow Tables in Oracle Fusion


The below given SQL Query retrieves the Purchase Requisition BPM Approval data

       POR_AMX_CONDITIONS_TBL.attribute_key cond_key,
       (select RULE_NAME max_rul_name, max(OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER) max_obj 
        from POR_AMX_RULES 
        group by RULE_NAME) rul_max,
WHERE  POR_AMX_RULES_TBL.active_flag = 'Y'
   and pas.task_id = POR_AMX_PARTICIPANTS_TBL.task_id
   and pas.stage_id = POR_AMX_PARTICIPANTS_TBL.stage_id
   and rul_max.max_rul_name = POR_AMX_RULES_TBL.rule_name
   and POR_AMX_ACTIONS_TBL.rule_id = POR_AMX_RULES_TBL.rule_id
   and POR_AMX_ACTIONS_TBL.task_id = POR_AMX_RULES_TBL.task_id
   and POR_AMX_TASKS_TBL.task_key = 'ReqApproval'

Query to get Oracle Fusion Payables Cloud approver comments

In Oracle Fusion Payable Approval Process, the approver can add the comments. The blog provides the SQL Query to retrieve the Oracle Fusion Payables Clod Approver Comments table details 

WHERE INVOICE_NUM = :PayableInvoiceNum))

How to create implementation user in Oracle Fusion

The implementation Project in Oracle Fusion can be created by the Implementation User. The blog provides the steps for creating the Implementation User in Oracle Fusion.

Read the Blog on Functional Setup Manager in Oracle Fusion

The Implementation User should be  assigned with the below given roles:

  1. Application Implementation Consultant Role
  2. IT Security Manager Role
  3. Employee Role

The below given are the steps required for Implementation User in Oracle Fusion

  1. Log into Oracle Fusion Application with the Default Implementation User provided by the Oracle Product
  2.  Go to Navigator ( Left side 3 lines on the top) 
  3. Select Security Console 
  4. Select User Tab from the Left Panel 
  5. Click on ‘Add User Account’ button
  6. Enter the below given mandatory fields 
  •  First Name 
  • Last Name 
  • Email (Optional) 
  • User Name 
  • Password 
  • Confirm Password
  • External Identifier ( Optional) 

7.  Click on ‘Save and Close’

Assign Role to the New User

The below given are the steps for assigning roles to the newly created user

8. Click on ‘Add Role’ button given below on the ‘Add User Account’ Screen after saving the user details.

9. The Add Role Membership Popup screen opens.

10. Search for the Role – ‘Application Implementation Consultant’


11. Click on ‘Add Role Membership’

12. Similarly Search for the Role – ‘IT Security Manager’


13. Click on ‘Add Role Membership’

14. Similarly Search for the Role – ‘Employee’


15. Click on ‘Add Role Membership’

Other related roles required to create the implementation project in Oracle Fusion

  • Application Implementation Administrator
  • Application Implementation Manager

The below given table depicts the privilege’s provided by the roles assigned to the Implementation User

User Role Privileges Proved by the Role
Application Implementation Consultant– Allows to create and manage Implementation Project
– Allows to Copy Configurations
– Allows Configuration Package to another instance
– Allows to Import / Export setup data
– Allows to manage custom setup data
IT Security Manager– Allows to Create new user
– Allows to assign roles to user
Employee– Allows access to Report and Analytics
-Allows access to Scheduled Processes

Functional Setup Manager in Oracle fusion

Oracle Fusion application is a combination of different product solutions acquired by Oracle ( For example PeopleSoft, Siebel, JD Edwards ) in last few years and plugged -in those solutions as per Oracle Business requirements for ERP Applications to provide a common platform to fulfill all client needs.

What is Functional Setup Manager in Oracle Fusion ?

Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager (FSM) allows to manage the Oracle Cloud Applications by providing the self-service administration to the Functional administrators by enabling the implementation and maintenance of Oracle Cloud Applications. The FSM provides the user interface through which Functional Admin can perform all the required tasks for the Functional modules required to be installed / configured in Oracle Cloud Applications with ease of deploying setup /config data to another instances.

Benefits of Functional Setup Manager in Oracle Fusion ?

  • Provides Application Setup / Configuration Interfaces
  • Provides Offerings to select for the best-fit business requirements
  • Provides task lists based on selected offering to setup end to end business requirements
  • Provides in-built Analytical / Reporting capabilities to understand market trends
  • Provides the ability to setup /config once and Import /Export to other instances
  • Minimizes the deployment time between instances

Points to Consider for Oracle Fusion Setup Manager ?

The below given are the basic steps for the Oracle Fusion Setup Manager which can be considered as pre-requisite before we proceed with the Module Level Setup

How to Navigate to Setup Manager in Oracle Fusion ?

The below are the steps to navigate to Setup Manager in Oracle Fusion
1. Log into Oracle Fusion Application
2. Ensure that the logged in user has the Application Implementation Consultant Role and should be different than the default user having Application Implementation Consultant Role
3. Select Navigator
4. Select Tools -> Setup and Maintenance

What do you mean by implementation users and how are they different from other users ?

The implementation user performs the below tasks / activities :

  1. Managing implementation of Fusion Application Offerings
  2. Managing Fusion Application Setup
  3. Managing Fusion Applications Users and Security

What are offerings in Oracle Fusion Application ?

Offerings in Oracle Fusion Application are considered to be the Functional Modules comprising of Business requirements which can be implemented on its own. Offerings provides Configurable list of all required setup tasks to enable specific business functionality. General Ledger , Procurement are examples of offerings

What are Options and Features in Oracle Fusion Application ?

Options are next level grouping of business functionality which are provided as Optional but can be implemented if required as per business need

Payables is an example for Options in the Procurement Offering

Features are the low level grouping of business functionality which provides additional features to be implemented for the specific offering.

What is an Implementation Project in Oracle Fusion Application ?

Implementation Project can be created by the Implementation User having ‘Application Implementation Consultant Role’ . The implementation Project includes the listing of All Offerings which needs to be configured as part of Implementation covering the overall scope of the business requirements for the user.

What is Scope and Task List in Oracle Fusion Application ?

Task List depicts the sequential list of setup required to be implemented in a particular offering.

Scope sets the context for the Task List and is used to Export and Import configurations

How the offerings can be provisioned in Oracle Fusion Application ?

The offering provides the list of task which can be selected from the Offering. If an implementer selects ENABLE FOR IMPLEMENTATION (checkbox) of an Offering or Option, then it can be provisioned / installed

Is it possible to update the tasks in the existing Implementation Project in Oracle Fusion Application ?

Yes, the Oracle Fusion allows to update / add the task list which will be effective once updated

What are the roles required to create the implementation project ?

The below given are the roles which are required to create the implementation project

  1. IT Security Manager
  2. Application Implementation Administrator
  3. Application Implementation Consultant
  4. Application Implementation Manager
  5. Application Diagnostics Administrator
  6. Application Diagnostics Advanced User
  7. Application Diagnostics Regular User
  8. Application Diagnostics Viewer
  9. Administrators
  10. Application Administrator
  11. Application Developer

Top 50 AJAX Interview Questions and Answers

The blog provides the Top 50 AJAX Interview questions and answers for experienced professionals. AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML used for developing fast and rich web applications. 

Many companies prefers developing UI using AJAX Technology and AJAX Interview questions and answers given below helps professionals to revise their AJAX knowledge.  

The below given includes basic and advanced AJAX questions and answers which could be helpful for the professionals for preparing UI /UX Job Interviews. 

AJAX Interview Questions and Answers

AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML used for developing fast and rich web applications using XMLHttpRequest object for communicating with the server without reloading the page.

The below given are the advantages of AJAX

  1. AJAX helps in developing fast and interactive web pages
  2. AJAX does not depend on server technology
  3. AJAX based requests uses less server bandwidth
  4. AJAX makes form validation simple

The below given are the disadvantages of AJAX

  1. AJAX is not supported by all browsers
  2. AJAX code is easy to read
  3. Malicious code can be inserted using custom script

AJAX can send and receive the data in JSON,XML and text file formats

The main features of AJAX are:

  1. Send the request to the server without reloading the page
  2. Receives and update the data received as server response

  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. Gmail

XMLHttpRequest objects are used to communicate with the server where the request is sent to the server in the background without reloading the page. It enables to make the partial page update without interrupting the user and is heavily used in AJAX programming.

XMLHttpRequest objects can be used to send and receive the data in various formats like JSON,XML and Text files.

The below given are the main properties of the XMLHttpRequest object

XMLHttpRequest Property Description
onReadyStateChange This is invoked whenever readystate attribute changes
readyState0- request is not generated
1- connection with the server is made
2- the server receives request
3- request is processing
4- response is received, and request is finished.
responseTextreturns the response in Text File Format
responseXMLreturns the response in XML Format
statusreturns the request status number
statusTextreturns the status details

The below given are the main methods of the XMLHttpRequest object

XMLHttpRequest Method Description
void open (method, URL)This method Opens the request specifying GET /POST method for the URL
void open (method, URL, async)This method Opens the request specifying GET /POST method for the URL for with additional parameter for asynchronous requests or not
void open (method, URL, async, username, password)This method Opens the request specifying GET /POST method for the URL for with additional parameter for asynchronous requests or not and includes username and password
void send()This method is used to send the request
void send (string)This method is used to send the request with POST method
setRequestHeader(header,value)This method is used to send the request with header values
abort() This method is used to abort the request
getAllResponseHeaders()This method returns the response header in the form of a string
getResponseHeader()This method returns the specific response header value

The abort() method of XMLHttpRequest is to be invoked to abort the current transaction

The ScriptManager provides the “IsInAsyncPostBack” property which can be used. The “IsInAsyncPostBack” property returns a Boolean value to check for partial page postbacks

The below given are the security drawbacks using AJAX

  1. AJAX source code is easy to read
  2. AJAX code can be inserted with the custom script by hackers

The below given are the common AJAX Frameworks

  1. Google Web Toolkit (GWT)
  2. JQuery
  3. Angular JS
  4. Backbone.js
  5. Ext JS

Cross-domain allows to transfer data between two or more security domains. The below given methods can be used for Cross -Domain AJAX calls

  1. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CROS) : This methods supports all HTTP Verbs and is supported by all web browsers
  2. JSON with padding (JSONP) : This methods supports only HTTP GET Verb and is not supported by all browsers

The below given are the main differences between JavaScript and AJAX

JavaScript is a object based scripting languageAJAX uses XMLHttpRequest object for communicating with server and uses JavaScript, XML, HTML and CSS
JavaScript send and received data in synchronous wayAJAX sends the request and does not wait for the response supporting asynchronous transactions
JavaScript does not support partial page update AJAX supports partial page update

AsyncPostBackTimeout Property specifies the time (in seconds) within which the response is to be received from the server. If the specified time exceeds, then asynchronous postback timeout occurs

The default value for “AsyncPostBackTimeout” Property is 90 seconds

The below given are the ready states of a request in AJAX

0 means UNOPENED
1 means OPENED
3 means LOADING
4 means DONE

The process of retrieving near-live data regularly from a server is called AJAX polling

The below given are the main differences between Synchronous and Asynchronous Ajax requests

Synchronous AJAX Request Asynchronous AJAX Request
The request sent to the server waits for the response to complete the transaction
Blocks the JavaScript Engine until the request is completedDoes not block the JavaScript Engine
The page refresh happened whenever the request is submittedPartial page is updated with the received response and does not require page refresh
User need to wait until the request is processedUser can perform other tasks while the request is processed

The below given are the main differences between SPA and AJAX

SPA is single page application runs within the single web pageAJAX is used to communicate with server for processing the request
SPA is used to develop a standalone applicationAJAX is used to perform the back end communication for the received user request
SPA being a single page application does not communicate with different web pagesAJAX is used to transfer data among different web pages as per user action

Top 50 SQL Interview Questions and Answers

The blog provides the commonly asked Oracle RDBMS SQL Interview questions and answers for the interview preparation. SQL is Structured Query Language used by the Oracle Database Developer , Oracle DBA Administrators. The below given SQL Interview questions and answers can be helpful in preparing for Database Job Interviews for MNC IT Companies like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Infosys , Wipro , TCS, etc.

The blog contains the basic as well as advanced questions on SQL which could be helpful for technical interviews for both freshers as well as experienced professionals

SQL Interview Questions and Answers for beginners and experienced professionals

Top 50 PL/SQL Interview Questions and Answers

The blog provides the commonly asked PL/SQL Interview questions and answers for the interview preparation. PL/SQL is mainly used by the Oracle Database Developer for writing Database specific SQL programs including Stored Procedures, functions, etc.

The blog contains the basic as well as advanced questions on PL/SQL which could be helpful for technical interviews for both freshers as well as experienced professionals.