Performt the following steps to add the ADFLogger in your JDeveloper.
1. Click on the Actions Tab in the Log windows which appears in the Editor. Select the option – Configure Oracle Diagnostic Logging
2. Expand the Root Logger
3. Click on the + icon to add the java classes which you need to include in the loggers. Select Add persistent loggers
4. Click on the Search Icon and select the com -> <YOUR_PACKAGE> folder from the available java classes. Click OK.
5. Select the Logger level as INFO.
6. Right Click on the Project –-> Project Properties -> Run/Debug/Profile.
7. Select the Default Configuration “Default” and click on Edit.
8. Add the value -Djbo.debugoutput=adflogger in the java options. Click Ok
9. Perform the same steps for the Project to add the AppModule java file.
10. Run the application from login.jsp
11. The logs will be added in the logger placed at the below path. Please check for your local path accordingly.