How to set the production mode for weblogic domain

The blogs provides the steps on  how to set the production mode value in Weblogic Server

Points to Consider for Weblogic Server Production Mode

  • The WebLogic Server Production Mode does not support auto-deployment mode to reduce the overhead of continuous polling of directory updates. The deployments in the WebLogic Server are supported through Administration Console, weblogic.Deployer tool or the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST)
  • The Weblogic Server provides additional features when it is to be used for the production environment. The Weblogic Server production mode provides additional security features enabled by the Weblogic Server.
  • If you are using the Oracle Fusion Midldeware , then it is recommended to use the Oracle JRockit JVM which has additional features added for SOA, BPEL, OSB and ADF
    objects to be released to garbage colllection and other service specific security features
  • The WebLogic Server Production Mode displays Warning messages for Demo SSL Certificate usage. 
  • The Logs files in the WebLogic Server Production Mode supports file size of 500 KB and then New Log file will be created.
  • The WebLogic Server Production Mode always prompt for Weblogic User Name and Password.  
  • The JDBC Connection Pool Capacity is Defaulted with 25 connections
  • The No. of threads available to Execute Queues are default to 25
  • Node manager user id and password are randomly generated
  • The DebugFlag is used to enable the WebLogic Workshop Debugger
  • Fast swap is disabled
  • Change center is Enabled and requires the Lock and Edit session
  • JRE Mode is -server, Server VM is tuned to maximize peak operating speed for executing long-running server applications, which requires high speed for fast start-up time or smaller runtime memory footprint.
    page_check_seconds in weblogic.xml file is -1 which means JSP pages will not be deployed

How to set Production Mode value using the Weblogic Server administration  console.

Home-> Domain-> General -> Production Mode 

Set the value for Production Mode as TRUE.

Restart your server and it will runs with additional features including security. 
