Following steps need to be performed to integrate the LDAP Server with the Oracle Web Logic Server 10.3.5
- Log into the Web Logic Server Console.
- Select the Security realm in the Domain Structure (on the left side)
- Click on myrealm in the realm section.
- Click on Providers Tab in the setting section of myrealm
- Click New in the Authentication Providers table.
- Enter an appropriate name for Authentication Provider- (Example –TestAuthenticator)
- Select the Authenticator Provider to be used.
Ldap Authentication Provider in Web Logic Server

- Click OK.
- In the list of Providers, click on the newly created TestAuthenticator.
- In the Common Tab for the Provider – TestAuthenticator, change the Control-Flag value from OPTIONAL to SUFFICIENT

- Click Save
- For the Provider – TestAuthenticator, go to the Provider Specific Tab and enter the required information to connect to the Directory Server.

- In the list of Providers, Click on REORDERS button to move the newly created TestAuthenticator on the top so that it can be executed

- Save the Changes.
- Restart the server and log into Web Logic Server Console.
- Select the User and Groups Tab for the myrealm section and check for the list of available users retrieved from the LDAP Server.