Please find below the major differences in 11i and R12 Account Payables
Type Description Available in R12 Available in 11i
Supplier | Supplier Details as in HTML Form | Yes | No |
Supplier | Enable with MOAC Access | Yes | No |
Supplier | Supplier as a TCA Party | Yes | No |
Supplier | Supplier Setup Definition in AP . | No | Yes |
Supplier | Usage of Supplier Site as a TCA Party Site for each distinct Address | Yes | No |
Supplier | Supplier Contact copy – Each Supplier Site | No | Yes |
Type Description Available in R12 Available in 11i
Payment | Payment Process Profile | Yes | No |
Payment | Operating Unit at Header | Yes | No |
Payment | Payment manager | Yes | Payment Batch |
Type Description Available in R12 Available in 11i
Payable Option | Accounting,Method,Transfer to GL | No | Yes |
Payable system set up | Enablement of Supplier numbering | Yes | At financial option |
Type Description Available in R12 Available in 11i
Invoice | Operating Unit at Header | Yes | No |
Invoice | Invoice Lines as a new additional line added in Invoice screen. | Yes | No |
Invoice | All distribution option | Yes | No |
Invoice | DFF at Header | Yes | No |
Invoice | DFF at Distribution | Yes | At Invoice Header |
Invoice | Allocate freight and special charges are define to the lines on the invoice | Yes | No |
Invoice | Allocation of freight and special charges are define at the distribution level only | No | Yes |
Invoice | Match Action come to Header | Header level | Near to Match |
Invoice | Tax Details Option | Yes | No |
Invoice | Tax Calculation Option | Yes | No |
Invoice | Create Accounting | Draft,Final,Final Post | only |
Invoice | Multi Organization Access Control (MOAC) | Yes | No |
Invoice | Sub ledger Accounting (SLA) | Yes | No |