XSD Tutorial – XSD Numeric Data Type

XSD Tutorial covers topics on XSD Data XSD Tutorial covers topic on XSD Data Types, XSD Text , XSD Mixed, XSD Indicators, XSD Substitution ,XSD Examples, XSD Numeric, XSD Elements.

We discuss XSD Numeric Data Type in detail

The XSD Numeric data are used to depicts the XML data in the form of Integer and Decimal.

<xs:integer> numeric data type

<xs:integer> data type depicts the integer value in the XML document

<xs:integer> example:

<xs:element name=”age” type=“xs:integer”/>


<xs:decimal> data type

<xs:decimal> data type depicts the decimal value in the XML document

<xs:decimal> example:

<xs:element name=”price” type=“xs:decimal”/>


Numeric Data Types

S. No       Name Description
1 byte value with 8-bit integer 
2 decimal decimal value 1.15
3 int value with 32-bit integer 
4 integer integer value
5 long value with 64-bit integer 
6 negativeInteger an integer with negative values (-1,-2,-3…)
7 nonNegativeInteger an integer with negative values (0,1,2…)
8 nonPostiveInteger an integer with non positive values  (0,-1,-2…)
9 positiveInteger an integer with positive values (1,2…)
10 short an unsigned 16-bit integer
11 unsignedShort an unsigned 16-bit integer
12 unsignedLong an unsigned 64-bit integer
13 unsignedInt an unsigned 32-bit integer
14 unsignedByte an unsigned 8-bit integer