Oracle XE 18c Database installation guide

The blog provides the step by step installation process for installing the Oracle XE 18c Database in your local machine. The Oracle XE 18c Database can be downloaded from the Oracle Site Link Oracle XE 18c Database Download Link

Pre-requisite for the Oracle XE 18c

  1. RAM: 4 GB  
  2. Oracle XE Memory allocation : 4 GB
  3. Swap Memory : 2 GB
  4. Temp : 2 GB

Open the Directory where Oracle XE 18c Database is downloaded and extracted.  

Execute the Setup.exe file and it opens the Oracle XE Installation Welcome Screen.

Oracle XE18c Database Installation Wizard

Accept the User Agreement for Oracle XE 18c 

Oracle XE 18c Database License Agreement

Select the Installation Directory where Oracle XE 18c Database to be installed

Oracle XE 18c Database Install Path

Enter the Password for the Oracle XE 18c Database 

Oracle XE 18c Database system password

Click Next and Oracle Database installation to be completed. 

Oracle XE 18c Database Installation completed

Click Finish to close the setup 

SQL Developer Connection with Oracle Database

The SQL Developer can be downloaded from Oracle site SQL Developer Download link

Install the SQL Developer in your machine and open it.

Go to Oracle connections , right -click -> New Connection

Enter the Oracle Database details as shown in the screen

SQL Developer Connection with Oracle XE Database

Test the Connection. 

Click Close.  You are now ready to execute oracle commands using SQL Developer.

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