Concurrent Manager Overview & Concepts in Oracle EBS R12

The Concurrent Manager in Oracle Enterprise Business Suite (EBS) R12 ensures that the handling of application requests, batch processing and report generation processes.

The blog covers Oracle Concurrent Manager Overview, Variables and Executables required for Oracle Concurrent Manager , How to Start Oracle Concurrent Manager, How to Stop Oracle Concurrent Manager, Oracle Concurrent Manager Log Files and Table references.

Please refer the below given blogs related to concurrent Manager SQL Queries

Oracle Concurrent Manager Overview

The Oracle Concurrent Manager is an service or a batch processing tool which  is used by most of the Oracle Application modules and manages the background jobs Scheduling and Queuing Process. The below given are the steps for the Oracle Concurrent Manager Process Flow

  • FNDSM initiates the Oracle Concurrent Manager Process
  • FNDSM initiates the Database Session and retrieve the settings for Oracle Concurrent Manager
  • Retrieves the Request Queue
  • Filters the Requests for Execution from the Request Queue
  • Checks for the Pending Requests from the Request Queue
  • Retrieves the running Requests Cache Size from Execution Cache
  • Executes the requests from the Execution Cache if pending for processing
  • Lock the STATUS_CODE of the request 
  • Execute the New Request from the Execution Cache and Updates the STATUS_CODE of the request 

Oracle Variables used by Concurrent Manager 

The Oracle Concurrent Manager uses the below given Oracle Variables and Executables for processing the requests

$APPLCSF : Top-Level Directory used by Concurrent Manager
$APPLLOG & $APPLOUT : These are the sub -directories used by Concurrent Manager for placing the logs and output files
$APPLTMP: Temporary directory used by the Concurrent Manager for placing Oracle Applications temporary files
$APPLPTMP: Temporary directory used by the Concurrent Manager for placing PL/SQL output files

Start Concurrent Manager (CM) in EBS R12

Before starting the Concurrent Manager in Oracle EBS R12, the below points need to be considered

  • Execute the environment file APPS<CONTEXT_NAME>.env
  • The default filename for the environment file in R12.2 is EBSapps.env 
  • Set the environment to Run Edition
  • Log into the Oracle Applications using applmgr
  • Navigate to the admin scripts directory
  • Execute the command
./ start apps/<appspwd>

Stop Concurrent Manager (CM) in EBS R12

  • Log into the Oracle Applications using applmgr
  • Navigate to the admin scripts directory
  • Execute the command
./ stop apps/<appspwd>

Check Status for the Concurrent Manager (CM) in EBS R12

  • Log into the Oracle Applications using applmgr
  • Navigate to the admin scripts directory
  • Execute the command
./ status apps/<appspwd>

Log Creation in Concurrent Manager (CM) in EBS R12

The  Concurrent Requests executed by the Concurrent Manager creates the Request and Outfile respectively.  The Concurrent Manager creates the below given logs file for managing the concurrent request and report generation using outfile.

  • Request Log File: Log file creation for a specific concurrent request
  • Manager Log File : Log file creation for inspecting the concurrent manager process performance
  • Internal Manager Log File: Log file creation for inspecting the internal concurrent manager ( Standard Manager) performance. The log file captures the parameters used with the ’adcmctl’ command

Concurrent Managers Tables in Oracle EBS R12 

The below given are the main tables for concurrent manager job processing in Oracle EBS R12.

FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES: Contains the information about the concurrent managers, provides UNIX process, Oracle process and log files associated with Concurrent Manager

FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS: contains the Concurrent Requests details retrieved by the Concurrent Manager

FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAMS:  Contains the information about the concurrent programs such as name, description, execution methods (EXECUTION_METHOD_CODE), the argument method (ARGUMENT_METHOD_CODE), and program constraints (QUEUE_METHOD_CODE) of the concurrent program