The tutorials provides the available node.js command line (CL) options to execute commands. The node.js CL provides help options and node.js version commands also.
Below given is the total list of node.js command -line (CL) options
S. No | node.js Command -line (CL) Options | node.js command-line description |
1 | v, –version | prints the current node.js version number |
2 | -h ,–help | prints command line help options |
3 | -e, –eval “script” | evaluates the argument in JavaScript, predefined modules can also be used in script |
4 | -i, –interactive | enables node interactive mode |
5 | -r, –require module | preloads the required module at the startup which could be a path to the file or the node module name. |
6 | -p, –print “script” | print /display the result |
7 | -c, –check | script syntax check without executing |
8 | –no-warnings | silence process warnings including deprecation |
9 | –trace-warnings | displays stack trace for the warnings |
10 | –no-deprecation | silence deprecation warnings |
11 | –trace-deprecation | displays stack trace for the deprecation |
12 | –throw-deprecation | throws deprecation errors |
13 | –trace-sync-io | prints a stack trace whenever synchronous i/o is detected after the first turn of the event loop |
14 | –zero-fill-buffers | Automatically zero-fills all newly allocated buffer and slowbuffer instances |
15 | –track-heap-objects | tracks heap object allocations for heap snapshots |
16 | –prof-process | processes V8 profiler output generated using the v8 option |
17 | -V8-options | display V8 command line options |
18 | –enable-fips | enables fips-compliant crypto at startup . Requires node.js to be built with ./configure –openssl-fips |
19 | –force-fips | forces fips-compliant crypto on startup |
20 | –icu-data-dir=file | specifies ICU data load path. (Overrides node_icu_data) |
21 | –tls-cipher-list=list | specifies an alternative default tls cipher list. Requires node.js to be built with crypto support. (default) |