The blog describe the usage of Control Statement ( if ..else, Switch , loop) in JavaScript code. The control statements are useful when the code is required to be executed when a particular condition is met or justified or to be executed in loop for a particular interval or execution of code from available expressions.
JavaScript Control Statement Types
The control statements in JavaScript can be broadly classified into 3 types
- If -else statements
- Switch statements
- Loop
If Statement usage in JavaScript
The if-else statements in JavaScript is required when the code is requried to be executed when a conditon is either true or false. The if statements can be divided into 3 types
- If statement : executes if the given expression is True
- If-else statement : executes the first statement if the given expression is True, else the second statement
- If-else-if statement : executes the statement where the expression is True from the given multiple condition
Syntax for If statement
if(expression1){ //code executes when if expression1 is true } else if(expression2){ //content to be evaluated if expression2 is true } else if(expression3){ //content to be evaluated if expression3 is true } else{ //content to be evaluated if no expression is true }
<script> var x=100; if(x==98){ document.write("The value of x is 98"); } else if(x==105){ document.write("The value of x is 105"); } else if(x==100){ document.write("The value of x is 100"); } else{ document.write("The value of x is other than 98,100 or 105"); } </script>
Switch Statement usage in JavaScript
The switch statement is to be used when only one condition is true among the given multiple expressions.
Syntax for Switch statement
switch(expression){ case value1: //code executes when value1 is matched with expression break; case value2: //code executes when value2 is matched with expression break; ...... default: //code executes when No Value is matched with expression }
<script> var color ="Red"; var setColorValue; switch(color){ case 'Blue': setColorValue =" The selected color is Blue"; break; case 'Orange': setColorValue =" The selected color is Orange"; break; case 'Red': setColorValue =" The selected color is Red"; break; default: setColorValue =" The given color is other than Red, Blue or Orange"; } document.write(setColorValue); </script>
Loop Statement usage in JavaScript
The Loop statements are useful when required when the program is to be iterated using for, while, do while or for-in loops. The Loop statements are classified into 4 types:
- for loop : used when the element in the program is to be iterated for fixed number of times
- while loop : used when the element in the program is to be iterated for infinite number of times till the expression or given condition is met.
- do-while loop : similar to while loop for infinite number of times till the expression or given condition is met or not. The do while loop executes at least for 1 iteration
- for-in loop: used to iterate the properties of an object
// example for For Loop <script> for (x=10; x<=20; x++) { document.write(x + "<br/>") } </script>
//example for While loop <script> var x=10 ; while (x<=20) { document.write(x + "<br/>"); x = x +5; } </script>
//example for do..while loop <script> var x=10; do{ document.write(x + "<br/>"); x++; }while (x<=20); </script>
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