XSD Tutorial covers topics on XSD Data Types, XSD Date, XSD Empty, XSD Text , XSD Mixed, XSD Indicators, XSD Substitution ,XSD Examples, XSD Numeric, XSD Elements .
Lets discuss the XSD Date and Time <xs:date> Data Types in detail
The XSD Date <xs:date> data type depicts the Date and Time format in the XML Document.
<xs:date> format
The <xs:date> format (YYYY-MM-DD) in the XML Document depicts
- YYYY depicts the Year
- MM depicts the Month
- DD depicts the Date
<xs:date> example
The below example depicts the data representation in Date format in the XML document
<xs:element name=”createdDate” type =”xs:date” />
Output : <createdDate>2020-05-07</createdDate>
XSD Date TimeZone
The TimeZone values can be handled in the date by applying the below formats
- Converting the Date with TimeZone , the date can be appended with “Z” for UTC TimeZone like <createdDate>2020-05-07Z</createdDate>
- Converting the Date with TimeZone, the data can be appended with Positive or negative time like
<createdDate>2020-05-07-04:00</createdDate> // reduces 4 hours from current system time
<createdDate>2020-05-07+04:00</createdDate> // increases 4 hours from current system time
<xs:time> data type
<xs:time> data type depicts the time in the format hh:mm:ss where
- hh depicts the hour
- mm depicts the minute
- ss depicts the second
<xs:time> example:
<xs:element name=”creationTime” type =”xs:time”/>
<xs:datetime> data type
<xs:date> data type depicts the date format (YYYY-MM-DD)
<xs:time> data type depicts the time format (hh:mm:ss)
<xs:datetime> data type depicts the date and time format together (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) where
- YYYY depicts the Year
- MM depicts the Month
- DD depicts the Date
- T depicts the start of the Time vlaue
- hh depicts the hour
- mm depicts the minute
- ss depicts the second
<xs:element name=”creationDateTime” type =”xs:datetime”/>
<xs:duration> data type
<xs:duration> depicts the time interval using ” PnYnMnDTnHnMnS ” format where
- P depicts the period (required)
- nY depicts the number of years
- nM depicts the number of months
- nD depicts the number of days
- T depicts the start of a time vlaue
- nH depicts the number of hours
- nM depicts the number of minutes
- nS depicts the number of seconds
<xs:duration> example
<xs:duration>P1Y</xs:duration> // depicts period of 1 year
<xs:duration>P1Y2M</xs:duration> // depicts period of 1 year 2 month
<xs:duration>P1Y2M3D</xs:duration> // depicts period of 1 year 2 month 3 Days