program to swap two numbers in JavaScript

The blog provides the step by step solution to write a JavaScript program to swap two numbers. To understand the below given program , user should have knowledge on below given topics

 Steps to be swap two numbers

The below given are the steps to write number swapping program in JavaScript

  • Prompt user to enter the first number (X)
  • Prompt user to enter the Second number (Y)
  • Create a Temporary variable (Z) to store the value of first number (X)
  • Assign first number (X) with the value of Second number (Y)
  • Assign Second number (Y) with the value of Temporary variable Z
let X = prompt('Enter the first number: ');
let Y = prompt('Enter the second number: ');
let Z;
document.writeln(`Value for X ': ${X}` +"<br>");
document.writeln(`Value for Y ': ${Y}` +"<br>");

//swap variables
Z = X;
X = Y;
Y = Z;
document.writeln("Swap Values for X and Y "  +"<br>");
document.writeln(`Value for X ': ${X}` +"<br>");
document.writeln(`Value for Y ': ${Y}` +"<br>");


Value for X ': 5
Value for Y ': 7
Swap Values for X and Y 
Value for X ': 7
Value for Y ': 5