Oracle Projects basic concepts in Oracle Apps R12

The blog provides the Oracle Projects basic concepts for configuring the Project Structure in Oracle Apps R12 which includes Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Oracle Project Types, Oracle Project Numbering and Oracle Project Organization Hierarchy.

The Oracle Projects allows users to breakdown the Activity into multiple tasks. These tasks are assigned to the Oracle Projects .

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in Oracle Projects

The Oracle Projects manages the tasks hierarchy called as Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).  The WBS can be divided into below given categories:

  • Top Task : The Parent Task under which child tasks be mapped
  • Mid Task:  The intermediate Task which is neither a Parent Task nor a Child Taks
  • Lowest Task: The Child Task

 Project Types in Oracle Projects

A Project Type in the Oracle Projects allows users to manage the Oracle Projects Processing with the usage of Default Project Setup for Reporting and Auto Accounting purposes.  A Project Type the below details 

  • Project Class Details (Indirect, Capital or Contract) for creating tasks
  • Project Status 
  • Burdening Cost Details
  • Burden Cost Accounting Parameters
  • Default Budget Control 
  • Asset Capitalization details for Capital Project Type
  • Distribution Rule details for Contract Project Type
  • Billing Details ( Billing Cycle, Billing Schedules ,Invoice formats) for Contract Project Type
  • Billing Assignment for Contract Project Type
  • Workflow parameters

 Project Numbering in Oracle Projects

The Oracle Apps R12 provides the Automatic Project Numbering instead of entering Project Numbers manually. Project Numbering is numeric , sequentially numbered and does not contains letters or special characters. 

To enter the project numbers manually with alphanumeric characters, set the below options

Project Numbering Method – Manual

Project Number Type – Alphanumeric

Project / Task Organization Hierarchy in Oracle Projects

Each Oracle Projects created in the Oracle Apps R12 is mapped to the Operating Unit to ensure which organization controls the Projects and Tasks for a particular Oracle Project. The below points need to be considered:

  • The organization must mapped to the Organization Hierarchy  mapped to a particular Operating Unit
  • The project or task level organization classification should be enabled
  • The organization must be allowed to create Oracle Projects using Project and Task
  •  The organization should be Active in the system

Project/Task Owning Organization Hierarchy          Oracle Projects

Version Number                                                                 1

Start Organization                                                              XYZ Corporation