The tutorial provides the hardware virtualization concepts, advantages of hardware virtualization in the cloud computing environment The tutorial is useful for both beginners and professionals.
What is hardware virtualization ?
The hardware virtualization is the mechanism through which multiple simulated environments or dedicated resources are shared from a single physical hardware . Hardware Virtualization can be achieved by installing HyperVisor as an abstraction layer between the software application and the physical hardware. HyperVisor creates isolated instances called as “Virtual machines” where each VM is installed with Operating System and Software Application to run independently without impacting other running VMs.
The hardware virtualization not only allows to install multiple applications on the single physical server but it alos allows to utilize the maximum physical server capacity which was underutilized on physical servers without virtualization. As each VM runs independently , it allows provided high server performance even though deployed with multiple applications.
Harware Virualization example: VMWare , Microsoft Hyper -V
Advantages of Hardware Virtualization
- Maximum utilization of server resources
- Reduces the overall hardware cost
- Provides highly orchestrated operations to ensure maximum uptime
- Provides Easy application deployment process