Perform the below given steps for creating the Business Components in JDeveloper 11g using ADF 11g
1) Create a new Application by selecting File > New > General > Applications > Application
2) From the available application template list, select Fusion Web Application (ADF), Click OK
3) Name the Application as testComponentApp.
4) The Application should be selected with ADF Model Project and ADF View Controller Project.
5) Right –Click on Model Project and select New > General > Connections > Database
Provide the Database Connection details as mentioned below:
- Connection Name: testDBConn
- Connection Type ( JDBC/ MySQL / Oracle Lite)
- User Name
- Password
- Driver: Thin Driver / oci8
- Host Name
- SID / Service Name
- JDBC Port
6) Test the Connection. If it returns ‘SUCCESS’, the connection is established successfully.
7) Right –Click on Model Project and select New >Business Tier > Business Components from Tables.
8) Select the Connection – testDBConn
9) Select the Schema from the list of available schemas fetched from Oracle Database.
10) Enter the Filter expression in the Name Filter field to minimize the Database table search.
11) Click on QUERY button to execute the filter on the database table.
12) Select the table from the Available Table List and click on > icon to move it to the selected table list.
13) Click Next.
14) The list of available columns in the table will be shown. Move the columns to the selected column list.
15) Click Next
16) List of Business Component for the table selected will be shown. Click next.
17) Click Finish.
18) The Wizard will create the Entity Object which will be placed in the model package of the Model Project.